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569、hear me cry(2 / 3)

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“好的,下面有请小丁组合上场,她们演唱的歌曲是,《hear ry》,大家掌声欢迎~”


《hear ry》这首歌寄予了她们的希望。

“you ouldn't say,

needed soone ne,

you atually thought,

deep side i kne,

an you tell ho an you say,

hy this should suffie,

you passed by,

and your heart as old as ie,(you passed by)

did you see ry,(did you ask yourself hy)

did you see ry,(did you ask yourself ho)

an you hear ry,(did you ask yourself)

ill e ever gre apart,

you, you ouldn't say,

needed soone ne,

and you atually thought,

deep side i kne,

i onder here e ill go,

ill e be the sa ,(you passed by)

i ugh side i thk of you,

and the love e ade,(you passed by)

tell hy this should suffie,

i hold you through the night,

no ill i let it go,

soon i'll let it go,

an you hear ry ,(ill you ask yourself hy)

an you hear ry ,(ill you ask yourself ho)

an you hear ry,(ill you ask yourself)

ill e ever gro apart,

you, i'll stand by your side,

i'll be there for you,(you passed by)


A- 18 A+
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