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482、李筱薇vs黑嘉嘉(1 / 3)

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“下面有请黑嘉嘉,她为我们带来的歌曲是,《sars to our beautiful》,大家掌声欢迎~”


“she jt ants to be beautiful,

she goes unnotied she knos no liits,

she raves attention she praises an iage,

she pras to be sulpted b the sulptor,

oh she don't see the light that's shg,

deeper than the ees an fd it,

abe e have ade her bld,

so she tries to over up her pa and ut her oes aa,

ae overgirls don't r after their fae is ade,

but there's a hope that's aitg for ou the dark,

ou should kno ou're beautiful jt the a ou are,

and ou don't have to hange a thg,

the orld ould hange its heart,

no sars to our beautiful e're stars and e're beautiful,


and ou don't have to hange a thg,

the orld ould hange its heart,

no sars to our beautiful e're stars and e're beautiful,

she has dreas to be an env so she's starvg,

ou kno overgirls eat nothg,

she sas beaut is pa and there's beaut everthg,

hat's a little bit of hunger,

i ould go a little hile longer she fades aa,

A- 18 A+
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